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Old 02-24-2012, 01:48 AM   #107
Are you gonna eat that?
xg4bx ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.xg4bx ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.xg4bx ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.xg4bx ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.xg4bx ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.xg4bx ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.xg4bx ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.xg4bx ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.xg4bx ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.xg4bx ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.xg4bx ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
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Originally Posted by anamardoll View Post
And you can only listen to so much of it.

I have enough music that were I to listen to them all end-to-end, it would probably take weeks to hear to the end. Maybe months. So I don't actually buy more music unless it's an artist I REALLY care about. (And that is 99% of the time going to be a filk artist. LOL, RIAA!)

Now, I buy more books than I will ever read. So probably some people buy more music than they will ever listen to. But probably not the majority.

I will say something else, though. One reason I rarely buy modern/mainstream music is because I don't HEAR it. Once the radio stations started getting all chatty all the time, I turned them off. (And I discovered filk through Napster, back when I was young and I didn't know that was illegal.)

So, way to go, music industry, for pursuing a "pay to hear" policy that effectively means that I NEVER get modern music stuck in my head, causing me to head over to Amazon MP3 store for a fix. And, book industry, please feel free to do the exact same thing. LOL, our society!
funny that you mention radio.

a big part of lowered music sales may be the pee poor state of modern radio. i'm surrounded by local rock stations. their playlists seem to have stopped in 1993. its the same nirvana songs, the same zepplin songs, the same ac/dc and van halen songs over and over and over ad nauseam. maybe they'll toss in a new foo fighters here&there for spice but its literally the same tracks they've been spinning for decades. i shouldn't get physically nauseas from hearing a song but i do.

i'm pretty sure that there has been new music put out in the past 20 years but you wouldn't know it if you tune into something other than the local 'hot for 5 seconds, forgotten by tomorrow' pop/hip hop station.

radios are pretty ubiquitous, these record labels are doing themselves a monumental disservice. its like a book publisher not letting anyone know they've put out books within the past 10 years. they do less than nothing to promote their products but honestly wonder why sales are down.

theres an old saying 'you've gotta spend money to make money'. they should look into it, people aren't going to buy something if they don't know it exists.

Last edited by xg4bx; 02-24-2012 at 01:52 AM.
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