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Old 10-11-2007, 06:42 PM   #14
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Text2Go Clarifications

Firstly the speech sample in Bob's post is produced using the RealSpeak Samantha voice, NOT the built in Microsoft voices as noted by jbenny.

As many people have commented, you really need to use high quality voices or the results will sound terrible.

Text2Go's normal price is $25 and RealSpeak voices are $35 each. However I strongly encourage people to purchase Text2Go and at lease one RealSpeak voice. Therefore I offer a package deal that includes Text2Go + 1 RealSpeak voice for $45, effectively pricing Text2Go at $15 and a voice at $30.

As to which text to speech product is best, it depends on your needs. There are now quite a few products available.

Some focus on reading text while at your computer and others are specifically targeted at the visually impaired.

Text2Go is targeted at iPod owners who want to listen to text from the web while out and about. It tries to make the process of converting text to speech and transferring it to your iPod as quick and easy as possible.

If you're interested, I encourage you to take advantage of our 30 day trial. You can also download the RealSpeak Samantha voice for use during the trial.

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to ask here or email me directly.


Mark Gladding
Tumbywood Software
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