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Old 12-08-2012, 02:15 PM   #8
Nameless Being
Originally Posted by DiapDealer View Post
A stylus just to turn pages would be a deal-breaker for me. Thanks, for the tips on hot/cold/calloused, though, everybody. I'll keep trying, but dang!... do people really get used to page turns just not happening every single time? That would drive me absolutely bonkers if that's just par for the "Reading on the Fire" course.
I won't say I got used to it, or ever will. It can be frustrating. In my case most failed page turns result in the Menu being displayed, which means it takes at least three touches to get the darn page turned: First touch results in display of Menu, second touch is required to make the Menu disappear, and hopefully the third touch actually turns the page. Like I said above, this is true of all capacitive touch screens I've used so it isn't just a Kindle Fire issue. Another frustrating touch issue is that I often have to touch buttons and menu items more them once to activate them, especially on the iPad. But the conveniences brought about by capacitive touch screens far out weigh the issues. I find it much easier and quicker to highlight text, enter text via typing, zoom in on an image or page, and navigate than I do with non-touch screen devices.
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