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Old 01-31-2010, 10:51 PM   #16
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[QUOTE=nonanon;759859]I've used a powermonkey solar charger and battery for a year or so now. It has a battery you can use separately, plug into the solar cell to charge and the cell itself unfold to twice the size of the one on the link. I'm not home to check but I think the powermonkey battery has more amp hours than this, too. The powermonkey is pricier but if you watch the deal-a-day sites you can get it for as low as $10 after rebate.

As for powering a reader, assuming you have a plug that will fit you may be able to trickle charge your device even if the power icon doesn't appear. I have some devices that work this way, no hint that it's charging since the input source is too low, but after a few hours it's fully charged again. You could look around for adapters as well since this seems to offer a fairly common pin connector. All that being said, it's just easier to carry an Energizer battery that is often on Woot. It's rated at 18,000 mAh or 18 amp hours which is huge. The device is skinnier but slightly wider than a paperback book and comes with a big selection of charging tips. I know it came with one that charges my Sony PRS-500.
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