Thread: Topeka It!
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Old 04-02-2010, 10:04 AM   #1
Nameless Being
Topeka It!

Alright this has only the most tenuous connection to topics on this board, i.e. how to make money on the Internet, but if it's too tenuous just delete it.

I am sure we all saw that April Fools joke by Google announcing that the company was changing its name to Topeka. In my opinion it failed a crucial test for a really good April Fools joke, be plausible enough that people might question if it is really true. Google changing its name when it has achieved the coveted status of common lexicon, “Google it”, while not yet losing connection to the company, “xerox it.” (Yes, I deliberately did not capitalize Xerox.) too implausible.

Now if Google has posted an announcement that at the end of the year users would have to register and be charged a per search fee, that would have been a excellent April Fools Joke.
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