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Old 06-07-2010, 07:30 PM   #3
PressEnter is on a distinguished road
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Originally Posted by wallcraft View Post
Once the DRM is removed from an AZW, the result is a MOBI ebook. So there is no need to "convert" it to PRC, just rename it to .prc or .mobi. Recent versions of can be used as a pre-processor for Calibre, and in this mode any .azw you import will automatically end up as a DRM-free .mobi.

Have you tried Calibre's Paragraph spacing options? This (Remove spacing between paragraphs) should always work unless there are hard page breaks in the original AZW ebook.
Funnily enough, I've made some progress with this one. I tried switching off paragraph spacing in Calibre, but there are some circumstances where it appears not to work - like this one.

Unswindle did indeed automatically generate a mobi file from the original azw. In order to get rid of the extra hard returns, I then used Calibre to convert the mobi file to Epub instead of Sony's LRF and edited that epub file with Sigil. I played around for a few minutes and found this culprit line inserted between every paragraph:

'<div class="calibre4"></div>'

So I did a global search on this line and replaced every appearance with a single blank space. Then I saved the epub, converted that to lrf in Calibre...and it worked! No more hard returns!
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