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Old 03-15-2010, 02:37 PM   #196
MattP began at the beginning.
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ereaders are available in the Muslim world

yes of course, many of these countries have ebook readers. plus, many people writing here suffer from a seriously flawed perception of Muslim countries. They associate them too much with Taliban. It would be the same thing if Muslims take February 2010 issue of National Geographic and conclude from the story that all Americans marry 10 women and have 250 grandchildren.
Many of the countries left out have good infrastructure and liberal economic systems. think of Dubai, Qatar, Bahrain in the Arab world, Turkey, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Central Asian republics, etc. Can you put them in the same category of countries with Myanmar where kindle can be ordered and ebooks downloaded.
Now looking at the map of kindle availability, I am puzzled to see that there is a strong correlation between no-kindle and Muslim majority. I want to understand this and know if amazon attempted to include those countries in the Muslim world but they did not want it.
I received a response from amazon customer service, which basically stated that they forwarded my response to kindle department.

Originally Posted by HansTWN View Post
I think you are looking at this the wrong way. Actually what you should be considering is how many of these very conservative countries would like their citizens to have access to Kindle ebooks? The governments and major parts of Muslim societies would be deeply offended. I am sure Amazon would be more than happy to take their money, if they could.
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