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Old 03-09-2010, 11:58 PM   #10
jrl007 began at the beginning.
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Originally Posted by Nakor View Post
AFAIK the Calibre crew's working on a better PDF input for their conversions, but due to the nature of the format it's not an easy task.

If you don't mind making some of the corrections yourself, you could convert to something you can edit by hand (like RTF), fix it, and then convert that to ePub, but it's a lot of hard work if it's something, for example, you'll only read once.
It LOOKS ok in Calibre's reader, and if I convert it to text and look at it in wordpad or notepad, it looks fine, but when I convert it to ePub and look at it on the JBL the formatting is really bad.

I told Calibre that it's a Jetbook 5" reader, and the books aren't UNREADABLE, formatting is just off, but if I can get it better, change some setting or 2, that would be really nice
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