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Old 06-21-2007, 09:20 AM   #13
BruceW has learned how to read e-booksBruceW has learned how to read e-booksBruceW has learned how to read e-booksBruceW has learned how to read e-booksBruceW has learned how to read e-booksBruceW has learned how to read e-booksBruceW has learned how to read e-books
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Posts: 55
Karma: 773
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Ottawa Canada
Device: Sony Reader
Does anyone else have my problem. I need about 3 more readers. Prior to getting my reader, I would have 3 or 4 books on the go. Usually a SF at my chair in the family room, some type of short reading in the WC, Technical stuff in the office, and usually a mystery in the bedroom. Where ever I happen to be I just reached down for the book and picked up where I left off. Now I have to remember to bring the reader with me. I also find that I am only reading one book at a time because changing between books is a bit of a pain.

Not only has the reader changed the reading source but also how I read. This is an interesting but unexpected side effect to a great device. Change every where change!
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