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Old 01-18-2010, 05:33 PM   #18
Bremen Cole
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What wall charger were you using? Did it use the USB slot on your reader or the "barrel" hole?

I, like most everyone else, get amazing battery life. So, in spite of the title of your thread, people should buy Sony's..... And.... as crazy as it sounds, UPS could have messed up or even Sony and UPS may have messed up..... Companies (which are just people) do make mistakes.

By all means get rid of the reader, but the odds of two units, both with bad battery's and going to the same person...... Possible... sure. But then, you asked Sony to send a pickup to UPS, and they did so 3 times.... what exactly do you expect them to do?

I have had plenty of dealing with lemon products, and the typical lame customer service provided by most companies. But the sequence of events of you saga does seem a bit of a stretch.... Again possible.... but you have to admit if you were on the other side of it, it looks unlikely....

Bottom line: I hope you are able to send it back and get a Nook. Another thing I don't understand is why you want to take it to a landfill rather than pay $30 to send it back.... Heck I'll give you $50 for it and pay postage for you to send it to me.......
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