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Old 12-14-2009, 10:02 PM   #44
crovakiet began at the beginning.
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Device: Sony Reader PRS300SC
Ebooks need a standard format. None of this dual, or multi format crap. Betamax vs VHS, HD DVD vs Bluray, it always comes down to a standard and one format has to 'win' otherwise I dont think ebooks will become 'mainstream' (and I am pretty sure all of us want it to go mainstream as it means more advances in the display technology, uniform formatting etc)as it just becomes confusing to the consumers. For sony as well as others to put support behind epub vs basically amazon is a form of leveraging the format(s) such that it becomes just EPUB vs AZW, and I hope epub wins out so that publishers can finally have a clue and be able to concentrate on using the format to its full potential rather than these half-assed jobs taht so many of us are already complaining about.
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