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Old 12-10-2009, 02:02 PM   #3
panda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura aboutpanda53 has a spectacular aura about
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Glad to hear it's not just me. I'll report it to cool-er support.

For me, it happens whenever I push down the next page (right arrow) and then hold it down while considering the current page. Consistently, when released the pages fast forward.

This morning it happened again, and fast forwarded 45 pages!

It's my own bad technique, anticipating the page turn, but it either should happen or it should be documented.

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