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Old 11-20-2009, 11:43 PM   #17
taglines has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.taglines has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.taglines has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.taglines has a complete set of Star Wars action figures.
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"Ardeegee", I mean, er, Darren Garrison, you are a keen observer of life.

As for the term "snail-book" or "snail-reader"....I am now convinced it does not work, neither of them does. But this "research" did lead me to a new word ....."snailpaper" or "snail-paper"...for the snail version of the local print newspaper which usually arrives on my doorstep in the morning with news that is already 12 hours old and stale...

do you like that term, Darren? Snailpaper...for print editions of newspapers, which likely will be dinosaurs in a few years anyways?

Darren, it was simple and easy to google your name and find you. three seconds. the reason i deleted earlier thread comments is that you did your best to ruin everything i was posting about. you went on and on psychoanalyzing me in your amateur way, completely off base, completely wrong, and then you posted that nasty post about my recent bout with ill-heath -- which the mods finally noticed and took off the website and I think they warned you about that too -- ......I didn't erase db's presence here. It's all cached anyways.

Why don't you try for a while, Darren, to be a constructive person of things, rather than a destroyer? You come across as a very negative person here. Try looking at the bright side of things sometimes, too. If you really want to chat with me, talk, face to face, email me at danbloom in the gmail dept and we can chat. I am sure you will get to like me, once you sit down and chat with me. And then we can be friends.....?

Last edited by taglines; 11-20-2009 at 11:49 PM.
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