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Old 09-10-2009, 08:08 PM   #150
MelC knows what time it isMelC knows what time it isMelC knows what time it isMelC knows what time it isMelC knows what time it isMelC knows what time it isMelC knows what time it isMelC knows what time it isMelC knows what time it isMelC knows what time it isMelC knows what time it is
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I had a similar problem to the last one. I figured out how to run the mobidedrm in Terminal on Mac OS but the first two books I have attempted to read have been corrupted with huge chunks missing. Is it my .py, my python or something else entirely? Considering how proud I was of figuring out how to do this in the first place I don't have much hope that I'll be able to figure out the problem.

Never mind. I tried the second version of the .py and it seems to be the tragedy will be whether all the books I have already blithely converted will need to be redone. Did someone say something about batching? Care to pm me with an idiot's tutorial?


Last edited by MelC; 09-10-2009 at 08:26 PM.
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