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Old 07-28-2009, 06:02 PM   #9
tmoody began at the beginning.
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Originally Posted by =X= View Post
What kind of BB do you have?
A Curve 8900.

You can also install Mobipocket on your BB phone. They are the creator of the MOBI/PRC format and can read offline. There are tons of books here on MobielRead in MOBI format and is the most popular format in the states second only to PDFs.
I'll look into that. I'm undecided about reading on the BB. I expect eyestrain, but so far I've found that as long as I select a large type face (40 pixels), it's really not bad. I know that LCD glare causes eyestrain, but that may be more a problem with a full-sized screen. The small BB screen doesn't project that much light. For testing purposes, I bought a book for the B&N reader, and I've been reading it. With the large type face, the effect is rather like reading a newspaper column, only with larger print. It's not bad.

Q With the K2 one can't use ebook lending libraries.
A. Officially No, but there are DRM removal and/or Modifiers to allow this.

Q) 2. Most Amazon Kindle books can be converted to a format that the PRS 505 can read, so one doesn't have to have a Kindle to take advantage of the low prices.
Okay. I'm a little hazy on all this, and for some reason I had the idea that "borrowed" ebooks couldn't be modified. I'm probably thinking too much in terms of paper books.

Q) 3. B&N ebooks can't be converted to other formats.
A) False: B&N are eReader formats, after DRM is removed you can use Calibre 6.0 to convert them
Ok, that's good to know.

Thanks for the information. I'm still confused, but in a more edified way.

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