Thread: iLiad Bluetooth for iLiad
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Old 11-21-2006, 07:06 AM   #5
arivero knows what time it isarivero knows what time it isarivero knows what time it isarivero knows what time it isarivero knows what time it isarivero knows what time it isarivero knows what time it isarivero knows what time it isarivero knows what time it isarivero knows what time it isarivero knows what time it is
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So our argument at iRex that root access is a real need is proving true! Fascinating.

I had expected problems with the HID thing. My student on the Zaurus was always protesting about how incomplete the 2.4.x implementation was. But I am surprised you are already in with the bluetooth dongle and the bluez tools. Given that the iLiad supports the X extension for inserting keyboard events, in the worst case you can bypass the kernel HID driver and run a user level application polling (well, knowing you, you will try to do it interrupt-driven) the BT driver and inserting the events towards X.

Non-HID BT keyboards are implemented in a similar way, using not the event insertion of X windows but a kernel module (udev?). Let me to see, I am back in a minute.

Last edited by arivero; 11-21-2006 at 09:14 AM.
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