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Old 12-28-2023, 05:19 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Quoth View Post
Pocketbook (good TTS) or Lithium (free Android apps) are both far better than the Google Play Books (Spyware, only needed for DRM titles from Google's Playstore Book section).
Or Aldiko Basic or Bluefire for older Androids that can't install Pocketbook or Lithium.

The vh and vw won't work on loads of Apps and ereaders.

Android ePub readers suck...

We're veering off-topic here, but I'm planning to start a thread to find the best ePuB readers on Android, because as far as I'm concerned, they're all trash. My eBook reading journey began on Apple Books (previously called iBooks) where the UI and UX were outstanding.

...Even Google Play Books

For years, I have been trying to find an Android App that comes close to it, and they all suck. Even Google Playbooks. I use Google PlayBooks because it comes the closest to Apple in terms of UI & UX, but it's still bad.

First, there's the spying that you hinted at. But also, I hate the fact that I have to upload my own ebooks to Google Drive in order to read them. It's ridiculous! I should be able to import files and read without an internet connection. And although Google PlayBooks sucks, all the other Android ePub readers don't even come close to it in terms of UI & UX. They are so much worse.

UI & UX are greatly important to me.

Between a feature rich app with poor UI & UX, and an app that has fewer features with great UI & UX, I'm almost always going to lean on the latter. All the Android ePub readers are ugly AF. Google Play Books is by far the sleekest.

Months or maybe even a year ago, Aldiko had a major update, that in terms of UI & UX seemed promising, but I tried it and it's so clunky. Plus, they don't have the turning page animation, which is a must for me.


I have little doubt that most of you strongly disagree with me, but yeah, I'm super picky. I know that Apple has its own issues too, but if Apple Books existed on Android, I would be happy. I hate that, overall, iOS seems to have a far better quality of apps than Android.

It's almost as if only huge billion-dollar corporations are cable of making great apps, which we all know is not true, but as far as ePub reader apps are concerned, it seems to be the case and I hate that. I'm still waiting for a great Android ePub reader app.
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