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Old 12-28-2023, 10:51 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by lomkiri View Post
... just think in checking the option "Preserve ratio"
To be noted : adding a cover automatically removes the old one, so this is a very practical way to have the cover fitting in the page.

@ CrankyLamb :
Be aware that in the menu tools, there is also a very handy tool : "Compress images lossless" (lossly is also possible), that can reduce notably the size of the jpgs (if you choose to compress lossly).
Thank you all for taking the time to respond. I appreciate the solutions you have suggested, but they don't seem to work. I also want to remind everyone that I don't know anything about code, and am a very much a newbie to it, so all this SVG talk is confusing to me. I prefer GUI, and I find CLI and code extremely intimidating.

All that being said, I am aware of the Tools>Add Cover option to create the cover page and automatically add the code, as @Karrellen suggested. I've used it for years, but it doesn't always work.

Moreover, I want to point to @DNSB that using the Tools>Add Cover option, automatically adds the SVG wrapper, which I haven't the remotest idea what it's for, but I consistently see it in the code.


I may have found an easy temporary solution which seems to work, but I have no idea how, why, or for how long.

When I started searching for solutions to this problem, I incidentally came across this thread, which suggests that some later versions of Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) have a bug that causes it to mishandle SVG wrappers.

I don't know exactly what that means, but I understand it to mean that it's the reason why my covers don't appear the way that I want them to (centered, filling the page, by preserving the aspect ratio).

In that thread discussion, someone suggested replacing the height and width % with vh and vw respectively.

Specifically, that means replacing:

width=100% with width=100vw


height=100% with height=100vh.

The only thing that changes is the "%" character being replaced by "vh" and "vw".

I don't know what those mean, but it seems to work.

I just hope I don't run into problems later. I manage my entire eBook library in Calibre, but ADE is my default ePub reader on my desktop. The reason for that is it allows me to verify if my eBooks are formatted the way I want them to, and specifically in this case, if the cover appears how I want it to.

I'm on the latest version of ADE, v. 4.5.12, which was released in April of this year. I always update when there is a new release, and it's possible that in the future, my covers won't appear correctly because of the temporary solution I took. I hope that doesn't happen because I have thousands of eBooks and having to manually change the code twice would be very frustrating.

If you guys have other suggestions or additional commentary, I'm all ears. THANKS AGAIN!
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