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Old 12-27-2023, 06:29 PM   #1
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How do I center the cover photos of my ePub files and make them fit the entire page?

Many of my eBooks have cover photos that appear too large, too small (thumbnail), and/or are not positioned at the center of the page.

How do I fix that ?

I often change the covers of my eBooks when they are too low-res for my liking. And what happens frequently is that when I add the new cover, it appears as a thumbnail when I open it in Adobe Digital Editions.

On the flip side, by default a lot of the covers of my eBooks are high-res, but do not fit the page.

And lastly, regardless of size a lot covers appear on the left or the right, instead of the center which is what I want.

A perfect cover page for me looks like this:

1. It is placed at the center
2. It fits the entire page

How do I achieve that in Calibre?

Thank you.

PS: Just want to let everyone know that I know nothing about coding. I'm a total newbie to it, and frankly find it very intimidating, so please explain to me like I'm 5 if instructing require coding.
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