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Old 12-09-2023, 08:48 AM   #34
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AS7 began at the beginning.
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Hey all,

I just wanted to update you on the Kobo issue, whereby the images got split on different pages in the web preview. The Kobo Helpdesk informed me that this is actually a bug on their side, which only occurs on previews on web browsers—not on Kobo's devices and apps. They're working on fixing it, but they don't know when it will be done. If you're in the same situation and this bothers you, Kobo can apparently disable the preview for you. You have to contact them.

And it turns out my epub looks good in the Kobo app. So the issue was not, in fact, with the file itself (although I now know... many more things than before about formatting ).

With this, I'm somewhat out of the woods. I think I'll work on the book's CSS with your pointers (and the CSS of the future books), but I may not have enough time this year.

@JSWolf Thank you for the advice! With what Turtle91 had said, I understood that such changes wouldn't necessarily work everywhere and that I need to tread carefully

Thank you all again for your help, this is a great forum! I'll keep hanging around here to learn more about ebook formatting
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