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Old 12-04-2023, 10:15 AM   #9
Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
Tarana's Avatar
Posts: 3,985
Karma: 38840460
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Minneapolis
Device: PWSE, Voyage, K3, HDX, KBasic 7 & 8, Nook Glo3, Echos, Nanos
2024 Goals

60 books: 24
20,000 pages: 7,285+250
Storygraph Mobile Reads Challenge: 3/12
4 books over 600 pages: 0

TBR Down 10 for each category:
Ebooks: +32
Audiobooks: -5

Magazines Read So Far: 0


2023 Purchases Read:
Bought: 58 Read: 1
Free: 44 Read: 1


1. Dead End - Cynthia Harrod-Eagles $2.13
2. Death Watch - Cynthia Harrod-Eagles $2.13
3. Necrochip - Cynthia Harrod-Eagles $4.99
4. In the Presence of the Enemy - Elizabeth George $2.27
5. Equal Rites - Terry Pratchett $3.23
6. Nettle and Bone - T Kingfisher $2.13
7. A Bone of Contention - Susanna Gregory $3.20
8. To Kill or Cure - Susanna Gregory $3.20
9. The Killer of Pilgrims - Susanna Gregory $3.20
10. Shadow of Night - Deborah Harkness $3.20
11. Defending Elysium - Brandon Sanderson $1.61
12. Gai-Un - James Clavel (audio) $7.56
13. King Rat - James Clavel (audio) $7.56
14. Noble House - James Clavel (audio) $7.56
15. Farilane - Michael J Sullivan (audio) 6.48
16. Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky (audio) $6.48
17. Killing Time - Jodi Taylor (audio) $6.48
18. House of Odysseus - Claire North (audio) $6.48
19. The Long Walk - Stephen King $2.15
20. A Grave Concern - Susanna Gregory $3.24
21. Silent Tower - Barbara Hambly $2.15
22. A Masterly Murder - Susanna Gregory $3.24
23. Hark - Ed McBain $2.15
24. Fat Ollie's Book - Ed McBain $2.15
25. The Devil's Disciples - Susana Gregory $2.15
26. Pyramids - Terry Pratchett $2.15
27. Rebellion - Simon Scarrow $2.15
28. Night Over Water - Ken Follett $2.15
29. The Two Towers - J R R Tolkien $2.15
30. The Return of the King - J R R Tolkien $2.15
31. Puzzle House - Duncan Ralston (audio) $2.15
32. The Tarnished Chalice - Susanna Gregory $2.92
33. Summer of Discontent - Susanna Gregory $2.92
34. The Bastard Prince - Katherine Kurtz $2.15
35. Deryni Checkmate - Katherine Kurtz $.01
36. The Coldest War - Ian Tragillis $3.20
37. Necessary Evil - Ian Tragillis $3.20
38. Forsaken Soul - Priscilla Royal $3.20
39. Valley of the Dry Bones - Priscilla Royal $3.20
40. Killing Season - Priscilla Royal $3.20
41. Sanctity of Hate - Priscilla Royal $3.20
42. Covenant with Hell - Priscilla Royal $3.20
43. Satan's Lullaby - Priscilla Royal $3.20
44. Land of Shadows - Priscilla Royal $3.20
45. The Proud Sinner - Priscilla Royal $3.20
46. Wild Justice - Priscilla Royal $3.20
47. A Wicked Deed - Susanna Gregory $2.15
48. Rocket To the Morgue - Anthony Boucher $1.06
49. Dead of Night - Simon Scarrow $2.15
50. Snuff - Terry Pratchett $2.15
51. I Shall Wear Midnight - Terry Pratchett $3.20
52. Camp X - David Stafford $1.06
53. A Toast to Murder - Elizabeth Spann Craig $2.15
54. Quilt City Murders - Bruce Leonard $0 credit
55. Perfect Shadow - Brent Weeks $1.76
56. Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi - Shannon Chakrobor
57. Complete Detective Vinnie Palmer - Roger Price $1.07
58. Witch King - Martha Wells $2.07

1. The Bad Weather Friend - Dean Koontz (Amazon First)
2. Almost Surely Dead - Armina Akhtar (Amazon First)
3. Glass Dolls - D E White (Joffrey)
4. The Cold Call Killer - Emmy Ellis (Joffrey)
5. Seven Days to Die - Michelle Kidd (Joffrey)
6. Of Silence and Slow Time - Catherine Bruton (Joffrey)
7. To Run a Little Faster (Joffrey)
8. Folly - Stella Cameron (Joffrey)
9. Raven's Mark - Christine Newport (Joffrey)
10. Cast From The Sea - Gerald Baum (Joffrey)
11. Guilty Man - Helen Durant (Joffrey)
12. Squadron Scramble - Robert Jackson (Joffrey)
13. Deadly Trio - Emma Jameson (Joffrey)
14. Cast from the Sea - Gerald Baum (Joffrey)
15. The Monastery - Fred Majdalany (Joffrey)
16. Close to Her - Elizabeth Gunn (Joffrey)
17. Rule of Threes - Jeffrey Deaver (Amazon First)
18. Murder in the Abbey - Susan Kiernan-Lewis
19. Tied to Murder - Brian Battison (Joffrey)
20. Mars: A Traveler's Guide - Ruth Nestvold
21. Without a Trace - Malcolm Forsythe (Joffrey)
22. Divided Empire - Brian Kitchen (Joffrey)
23. Matterhorn - Christopher Reich (Amazon First)
24. Lovers at the Museum: A short story - Isabel Allende (Amazon First)
25. Mosquito Squadron - Robert Jackson (Joffrey)
26. Deadly Errand - Christine Green (Joffrey)
27. Winter Girls - Roger Stelljes (Joffrey)
28. Cut and Thirst - Margaret Atwood
29. The Framed Father - J R Mathis
30. Scale of the Dragon - Richard Fierce
31. Riven - A R Knight
32. Nothing to Fear - Blake Pierce
33. Third Wheel - Nick Spaulding (World Book day)
34. Dark Murder - Helen Durrant (Joffrey)
35. Missing Checkout Girl Mystery - Rachel Ward (Joffrey)
36. Disturb Not the Dream - Paula Trachtman (Joffrey)
37. Murder Flambe - Susan Kiernan-Lewis
38. Chocolate entered Cozy Mystery Omnibus - Cindy Bell
39. When You're Safe - Blake Pierce
40. The Custard Boys - John Rae (Joffrey)
41. Lake County - Lori Roy (Amazon First)
42. Tiger Chair - Max Brooks (Amazon First)
43. First Blitz - Neil Hanson (Joffrey)
44. Coffin Cove - Jackie Elliott (Joffrey)

Short Stories: 0

01. 1


01. 5 The Crystal Cave - Mary Stewart (ebook+audiobook)
Really got into this. Looking forward to next book.
02. 2 King City - Lee Goldberg (audio)
Couldn't warm up to plot
03. 3 History of Britain in 50 Events - Stephan Weaver (ebook)
Concise - surprisingly I knew most of these events.
04. 4 The Martian Chronicles - Ray Bradbury (audio)
Excellent narration by Mark Boyett. Enjoyed!
05. 3 The Flu - Jacqueline Druga (ebook + audio)
Good story but sortof fizzled about 80% through.
06. 4 Bride of the Rat God - Barbara Hambly (ebook)
Good story set in the 20s.
07. 3 Lorelei of the Red Mist - Leigh Brackett/Ray Bradbury (ebook)
Out of body experience.
08. 4 The Hook - Don Westlake (audio)
Good murder mystery with great twist at end.
09. 5 Doom and Bloom - Elizabeth Spann Craig
Very much enjoyed.
10. 5 Starship Vectors - Allan Kaster ed. (audio)
Excellent selection of stories.
11. 5 Orchestrated Death - Cynthia Harrod Eagles (ebook)
Excellent beginning.
12. 5 The Cell - (ebook+audiobook)
Great story, good pace
13. 4 A Wild Fright in Deadwood - Ann Charles (audio)
Good story.
14. 3 A Date With Murder - Jessica Fletcher, Donald Bain, Jon Landon (audio)
Good story but not outstanding.
15. 5 Live and Let Die - Ian Flemming (audio+ebook)
Excellent story!
16. 3 Sixth Column - Robert Heinlein (audio)
Good book but I got a bit confused towards the end.
17. 2 God Save the Mark - Donald Westlake (audio+ebook)
Disappointment. Forgettable plot. Excellent narrator.
18. 5 The Eagle's Conquest - Simon Scarrow (ebook)
Great story. Moves along well.
19. 4 Rule of Threes - Jeffrey Deaver (ebook)
A good story with a surprising twist.
20. 4 Festive in Death - J D Robb (ebook)
Good story.
21. 4 The Wizard and the Frog - Richard Fierce (ebook)
Fun fantasy; I enjoyed audio better.
** 1 Murder By Misrule - Anna Castle (ebook)
Abandoned at 35%.
22. 5 Songs of Distant Earth - Arthur C Clarke (ebook)
Enjoyed this one. Hard to put down.
23. 4 Death of a Suitor - Elizabeth Spann Craig (ebook)
Good story!
24. 3 Rocket To the Morgue - Anthony Boucher
Murder mystery involving scifi authors. Set in 1942. Good.

TBR as of 1/1/24
Audiobooks 1,349
Ebooks&magazines 1,950

Last edited by Tarana; 06-08-2024 at 09:41 PM.
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