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Old 09-10-2022, 09:00 PM   #22
pzack began at the beginning.
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Join Date: Aug 2022
Device: kobo sage,elipsa
Dear Sarmat89,

Thank you for responding.

I must ask you to forgive my obtuseness when it comes to programming and code. For example "unfold the lines first"? How do I "unfold a line". "Replacing code". Where and what code am I replacing?

Please don't assume that I know the techinical language that you probably are comfortable with.

May I ask you, since you have the real sample of the text to work with, to actually illustrate using the provided text of what you suggest needs to be done.

You are communicating with a first-grader when it comes to this type of programing. I have to be lead by the hand here.

Hopefully, you have the patience to walk me through this. I sense some impatiernce among some of the respondants, and I understand this, but I am not at the level of expertise of my respondants.

Very cordially,
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