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Old 06-12-2022, 01:11 PM   #7
Freshmaker can self-interpret dreams as they happen.Freshmaker can self-interpret dreams as they happen.Freshmaker can self-interpret dreams as they happen.Freshmaker can self-interpret dreams as they happen.Freshmaker can self-interpret dreams as they happen.Freshmaker can self-interpret dreams as they happen.Freshmaker can self-interpret dreams as they happen.Freshmaker can self-interpret dreams as they happen.Freshmaker can self-interpret dreams as they happen.Freshmaker can self-interpret dreams as they happen.Freshmaker can self-interpret dreams as they happen.
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Originally Posted by 0ripkindle View Post
Thank you. I tried KOReader but I don't quite like the way it displays text. Is it possible to change the font in KOReader?

IMO the way kindle displays books looks much better, KOReader looks a bit amateurish, a little rough around the edges, in the same way calibre (or really any "ebook reading software") does on a PC. Maybe it's because I've gotten used to how kindle shows ebooks, but I seriously think that Amazon nailed the rendering, apart from the restrictive line height and top/bottom margins.

Can't do anything about the margins but I convert all my books in calibre accordingly so I can have smaller line heights and support for much smaller font sizes.
You're right, koreader can look a little rough around the edges out of the box. It takes a little bit of time and effort to set it up to your preferences, but it is totally worth it. You can use custom fonts and fully customize just about everything you can imagine: margins, spacing, widows/orphans, word spacing, kerning, etc. You can even create custom css formatting on the fly. I recommend reading through the user manual and experimenting with it. After getting it set up to my liking, I'll never be able to go back to the stock reader!
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