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Old 04-22-2022, 08:45 PM   #1
LivresInOz has become a pillar of the MobileRead communityLivresInOz has become a pillar of the MobileRead communityLivresInOz has become a pillar of the MobileRead communityLivresInOz has become a pillar of the MobileRead communityLivresInOz has become a pillar of the MobileRead communityLivresInOz has become a pillar of the MobileRead communityLivresInOz has become a pillar of the MobileRead communityLivresInOz has become a pillar of the MobileRead communityLivresInOz has become a pillar of the MobileRead communityLivresInOz has become a pillar of the MobileRead communityLivresInOz has become a pillar of the MobileRead community
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Lightbulb Feature request for people with reading difficulties! Simple but powerful!

Here's just a little idea I had, based on:
- what I know the devs who made Koreader can do
- what people might like/find super-helpful!

Sometimes I have just a little difficulty keeping tabs of where I am in the page of a book, especially if its not a very exciting one but I have to read it anyway (like study).

(People who have this kind of difficulty with physical books - like those with ADHD and other reading problems - might choose a special tool called a 'reading focus card'. It lets you isolate one or a couple of lines at a time. It's a black sheet of plastic with a horizontal slit in it. You look at the line through that slit.)

It'd be SO cool if Koreader could implement something like this...but perhaps even better!

I know it can already put a little ARROW next to where you are up to when turning a page (for PAGE OVERLAP). It can even grey out text to achieve the same thing. It can also put lines on the page, as it does with the speed-reading helper.

How about having a mode where you can have one of these options to help you keep your place:
- a light horizontal line across the page
- a light highlight of the current sentence
- the same little arrow, but on both sides
- or even the capacity to black out the whole page except for one to three lines (or however many the user wants).

Even better - how about having the choice of any of them?
(You could implement each over time)

If forced to choose, I'd go for the horizontal line or light highlight, because its easier to see than the arrows, and it doesn't obscure anything - which is good if you end up 'moving ahead of yourself' a bit and not actually needing the line at that moment.

It would be really simple to 'advance' the line: just hit the page up/down buttons while you are in this special mode (a small sacrifice). Or perhaps the user can use gestures: configure taps on the left and right of the page, for eg.

I would find this REALLY cool, esp when Im reading a textbook that my mind wants to wander away from !

Im sure readers would love it!

In fact, you might even really help hundreds - even thousands - of kids to (learn to) read!

Last edited by LivresInOz; 04-22-2022 at 09:42 PM.
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