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Old 01-15-2022, 11:26 AM   #20
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dmilanov began at the beginning.
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Device: Kindle PaperWhite 3
I bought a second Kobo Nia with broken display and switched the SD cards. The one that was not booting started working fine. Later on when I wanted to copy the image from the working SD card to the not-working one, and connected the second one, Windows complained that the FAT32 partition needs to be repaired (it also offers to format the other two partitions, which you should NOT). When it repaired it, that Kobo Nia started booting fine.
So if your Kobo Nia doesn't boot, try to repair the FAT32 partition. If that doesn't help, let me know and I can provide you an SD card image. It's 800 MB compressed though. And I think the image has with no books on it.
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