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Old 01-08-2022, 05:31 PM   #38
jeff47 is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!jeff47 is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!jeff47 is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!jeff47 is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!jeff47 is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!jeff47 is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!jeff47 is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!jeff47 is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!jeff47 is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!jeff47 is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!jeff47 is faster than a rolling 'o,' stronger than silent 'e,' and leaps capital 'T' in a single bound!
Posts: 66
Karma: 50592
Join Date: Oct 2010
Device: Kobo Libre H20
Thanks. I do get an error on my Libra H2O using the latest firmware - "unknown setting name "toggle" (arg: 'toggle: dark_mode') (src/

I assume that this is due to an older device? Dark mode is available in the devmode menu but not elsewhere. The "invert and reboot" function does work.
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