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Old 01-27-2021, 05:35 AM   #1840
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tina2021 possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timetina2021 possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timetina2021 possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timetina2021 possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timetina2021 possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timetina2021 possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timetina2021 possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timetina2021 possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timetina2021 possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timetina2021 possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Timetina2021 possesses cleverness exceeding the boundaries of Space and Time
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So glad to get the reply, thanks a lot.
I see every step with new file name, such as split.pdf. Suppose the file name is A, can we rename the file name like A.split.pdf in the first step (use the original nae as prefix before split ) instead of A_k2opt.pdf, in the second step fine name will be A.booklet1.pdf instead of A_k2opt_k2opt.pdf.
It is not a big issue, long file name is fine for me, just curious to see any solution or not, because I have 50 similar files to run, if all named split.pdf, I can not tell one from another file.

Thanks again and best wishes for your family.
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