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Old 01-12-2021, 10:28 PM   #33
marst began at the beginning.
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Regarding the inability to display the book's text flush-left/ragged right:

Originally Posted by davidfor View Post
This as nothing to do with ADE. This is due to how the book is coded. It has coding in the HTML or the stylesheet that the epub renderer on the device (the Adobe RMSDK) cannot override to change the layout of the book. This can happen with kepubs, but, the kepub renderer is a little more brutal in how it does this so it is less noticeable. It's also possible that the processing that Kobo does when a book is added to the store to produce a kepub will change things to make allow more changes on the device.
Before the Kobo began giving me trouble with syncing—and before this particular book became a problem—I absolutely could switch it to flush-left/ragged right when I read it on the Kobo. (To date, all books I've downloaded from the Kobo site supported that feature of the software.)

Before I used a Kobo I had several e-reader apps on a Samsung tablet. Some of them had controls that could override the style sheets' "text-align:justify" and worked every time. Some could override other formatting hard-coded in the CSS as well, such as inter-paragraph spacing or even first-line indents. (Those books were not kepub file, though—just ePub 2.)

So: the book as originally downloaded from the Kobo site could be displayed FL/RR. The version I finally got back onto the Kobo via the ADE solution, could not be displayed that way. As for the fonts in these messages, changing to font size '4' and in particular changing to a serif typeface makes them a lot easier for me to read. But if this is going to be a point of contention I'll leave the formatting at the default settings.

Last edited by marst; 01-12-2021 at 10:31 PM.
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