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Old 01-03-2021, 11:31 AM   #1
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Calibre slow on Mac (colour wheel on every move)


I am running Calibre 5.8.1 on macOS 10.14.6 and I'm experiencing a laggy, spinning colour wheel problem.
Whenever I try to scroll, select or point to any item in my library (of only 40 books), Calibre freezes for around 5 seconds and spins the colour wheel before being able to make a move. This happens no matter I'm connecting or not to any devices.

It also occurs when I switch to another application (e.g. Firefox) and then switch back to Calibre.

This problem began to happen a few updates back. So far I have been hoping that it would go away after some newer updates. I remember it has never been like this before updating to Calibre 5.

I have already tried reinstalling Calibre but that unfortunately does not help. I also searched and crawled a few threads and tried using Disk Utility to repair my SSD but that hasn't done anything helpful either…

Would very much appreciate any guidance on putting an end to this. Thanks in advance.
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