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Old 02-06-2020, 11:16 PM   #1
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Septfox began at the beginning.
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How bad of an idea is a DX Graphite these days?

Less "what should I buy" and more "should I buy in this day and age?".

I've been kinda-sorta wanting a reader for a while, but have neglected to buy one because I generally just use my phone with the Kindle app or ReadEra (recently, Moon+Reader), depending on the book source.

I have a pile of manga I've been putting off reading, though, and it's occurred to me that a large reader would be really, really nice to tackle them with, an additional benefit being my other books getting upgraded from a 6" screen to 9.7".
So I started looking into such...and found reasonably-priced offerings over 7" to be practically non-existent. $200+ is uh, not in the budget.

Which brings me around to the increasingly-ancient DX Graphite. Used ones can be found on ebay for <$100, which is quite nice for the ol' pocketbook.

Questions being, how much of a headache is such an old device going to give me? What hurdles do I face in the way of jailbreaking (assuming it's worth doing) or using Duokan that might not have been issues a few years back?

My usage is generally just epubs (which I understand Duokan can handle) and Amazon books, and will be converted manga as well. Not so much PDFs or other exotic formats.
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