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Old 09-21-2019, 01:25 PM   #15
MoReader92019 began at the beginning.
Posts: 14
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Join Date: Sep 2019
Device: Nook BNRV500
To: Calenorn, DNSB:

I deleted all relevant files in Nook including annotated files, put my epub list back in and let Nook handle the rest. Something came up that I have seen before. I checked a file that was a problem. It booted up to Trump's Tariff. This was the file I used as a template for Trump's Tariff, though that was also defective. I thought maybe I could fix the problem, recalling back a few months. It still had the generic cover (pre Trump's Tariff) with its title, but booted up to Trump's Tariff from the library selection, so there is some confusion. I cannot find anything in the OPF of either that would account for this. The Metadata Editor shows nothing out of whack in both files. (I have used other files and html generation files, and still end up with no thumbnails and slow boots.) The .ncx NavPoints look different in Trump's Tariff from the template book used, but why would that interfere with Thumbnails and mix up the epub files? There is probably something embedded in the object code, that Sigil is copying over, because it thinks it is part of the file. Nook is reading this, getting mixed messages from other parts of the file, booting slow by confusion, finally making a decision and I am still screwed. Just like doc files in Word and OpenOffice, you cannot see these things. By the way, this sometimes has happened to me in html too. The object code has something screwing things up that is not showing in the source code but pops up in the read. I can start from scratch with an html file, maybe try to just duplicate the Smashwords Stylesheet by hand (no copy/paste), do everything by hand (no copy/paste) and see if it works. I do not have enough expertise in epub to really be sure of what I am doing without templates, and have been sort of ripping off Smashwords in formatting. But the files go back to Smashwords.

I want to get away from formatting headaches with doc files, and have fallen into the fire of formatting problems with epub. Any short cut recommendations would be appreciated to avoid rewrites. On the other hand, maybe other types of book readers are not having this problem that download my books?
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