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Old 01-31-2019, 08:55 AM   #13
Jose Manuel S
Jose Manuel S is kind to children and small, furry animalsJose Manuel S is kind to children and small, furry animalsJose Manuel S is kind to children and small, furry animalsJose Manuel S is kind to children and small, furry animalsJose Manuel S is kind to children and small, furry animalsJose Manuel S is kind to children and small, furry animalsJose Manuel S is kind to children and small, furry animalsJose Manuel S is kind to children and small, furry animalsJose Manuel S is kind to children and small, furry animalsJose Manuel S is kind to children and small, furry animalsJose Manuel S is kind to children and small, furry animals
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Great work Bennelong! The motherboard is big, not like the smartphones, if Mimas has the same motherboard, I think it's easy to release a PRO version of Mars and Mimas with an updated CPU and 4 GB RAM, even with the same motherboard.
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