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Old 12-24-2018, 01:05 PM   #1178
Kekay is kind to children and small, furry animalsKekay is kind to children and small, furry animalsKekay is kind to children and small, furry animalsKekay is kind to children and small, furry animalsKekay is kind to children and small, furry animalsKekay is kind to children and small, furry animalsKekay is kind to children and small, furry animalsKekay is kind to children and small, furry animalsKekay is kind to children and small, furry animalsKekay is kind to children and small, furry animalsKekay is kind to children and small, furry animals
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Originally Posted by kiwidude View Post
Got an idea for a plugin? Feel free to add them to this thread if you haven't seen it mentioned elsewhere. Who knows, if it is a good enough idea someone might even write it for you if you need the help, it has happened before...

Plugin idea discussions

To ensure this thread becomes manageable over time and to help out new visitors to the forum, here is a summary of the plugin suggestions to date from this thread. For anything you see marked as implemented, please go to the relevant plugin thread to discuss further changes or requests.
Hi guys!

I need to say i would love to have a calibre pluguin that could compress Pdfs, and if possible other formats as well. I have a lot of books and want to make the size smaller, one by one would be nice, but in batch would be crazy amazing!
I downloaded and tested a lot of specific apps to compress Pdfs some are good, but for the most part they are not. It would be nice one that could control the size of the images embeddeds, text and all, or maybe automatticaly ajusting in the best way possible...
I know this would be a bit complex but i would love so much!
If you know a good software for compression, Please enlightme, I would be very grateful!

I still need to test if the sincronization between Calibre Pc an Kindle paperwhite realy works...for the new Kindle paperwithe version, because I'm having a really hard time to accomplish this. A simple app that could organize folder into History/Learning/Self help/Painting and so would be the best thing ever

I have a Kindle Paperwithe with 5.9.7 firmware, and I know that there is no jailbreak for this version yet...thanks to some good folks on this lovely forum! So I'm feeling I'm out of luck... and does'nt know what to do anymore...because I do not want to just throw the books in there and make collections in the Kindle without the possibility to easily sincronize my Pc with the kindle...
I also do not want the amazon's collections restricted option I'm running out of options here lol

I would love your thoughts on this subjects;

thanks in advance
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