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Old 12-16-2018, 11:18 AM   #1
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Pickthall, M, M: The Quran Translated, V1, [ENGLISH] 16 December 2018

The Quran Translated is an edited version of the classic translation of the Meaning of the Glorious Qur'an by Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall (1875-1936), edited by ICSFP, the Book is available to the public for free.

Pickthall an Englishman who embraced Islam in 1917 traveled widely in the Muslim World. He worked for 15 years with Muslims in the Indian subcontinent as editor of Islamic Culture. Later he served as imam of the London Mosque (Notting Hill).

ICSFP (International Committee for the Support of the Final Prophet) made a committee that revised the whole translation, simplified the style according to modern usage, and replaced words like thou, thy, thine, hast, etc., with their counterparts in use today. Some amendments were also made where considered necessary to reproduce the nearest possible meanings of the Arabic verses. Moreover, the translation of the verse was grouped together subject wise to promote the understanding of the message. To distinguish this translation, after the changes it got through, it is produced by the name The Quran Translated.
This work is assumed to be in the Life+70 public domain OR the copyright holder has given specific permission for distribution. Copyright laws differ throughout the world, and it may still be under copyright in some countries. Before downloading, please check your country's copyright laws. If the book is under copyright in your country, do not download or redistribute this work.

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File Type: epub The Quran Explained Marmaduke Pickthall - ICSFP.epub (361.3 KB, 343 views)
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