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Old 07-27-2018, 12:40 PM   #1
Manodragon herds cats with both ease and graceManodragon herds cats with both ease and graceManodragon herds cats with both ease and graceManodragon herds cats with both ease and graceManodragon herds cats with both ease and graceManodragon herds cats with both ease and graceManodragon herds cats with both ease and graceManodragon herds cats with both ease and graceManodragon herds cats with both ease and graceManodragon herds cats with both ease and graceManodragon herds cats with both ease and grace
Posts: 11
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Join Date: May 2017
Device: PocketBook Touch Lux 3
Touch Lux 3/PB 626 froze

My TL3 suddenly froze after being shut down earlier today.
It doesn't boot up when I short press the power button. It doesn't do anything if I press the power button longer (up to 120 seconds).

If I connect it to my laptop, the Windows 10 detects it as unknown device (under other devices in device manager). If after I connect it to the laptop I press the power button for several seconds, the laptop makes a noise just like when a USB is disconnected. If I press the power button again for a few seconds, the laptop makes a sound like when you connect a USB drive.

If I connect it to power nothing happens.

Something similar happened several months ago and as it had a valid warranty, I send it in for repair but the people there gave it back several days after that saying that it works just fine and it really did. They didn't reinstall the firmware - all my books were there, even the one I was reading when it froze in the first place. It worked just fine until today.
I may have exposed it to light shocks as I was travelling by car today but it was protected by a case and I don't think the shocks were bad enough to brick it like this.

So. I was wondering if there is a secret way of hard-reseting it. I am thinking that I may do something to boot it up again until I will send it in again (several days from now) for repair because I still have a valid warranty.
Thank you for any help.

Last edited by Manodragon; 07-27-2018 at 12:42 PM.
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