v1.2.0 .
This one adds a major feature: displaying images! Most common formats should be handled, and you can adjust the exact positioning in all kinds of crazy ways
As usual, for best results, properly dithered PNGs are your friend
If you have access to ImageMagick v7, my current rescale + letterbox + grayscale + dither pass of choice looks something like this:
convert input.png -colorspace Lab -filter LanczosSharp -distort Resize 1080x1429 -colorspace sRGB -background black -gravity center -extent 1080x1429! -grayscale Rec709Luminance -colorspace sRGB -dither Riemersma -remap eink_cmap.gif -quality 75 png:out.png
1080x1429 being the effective resolution of an H2O
With the cmap attached here.
An approximately 10 times faster alternative, if you *really* need on-device processing:
convert input.png -filter LanczosSharp -resize 1080x1429 -background black -gravity center -extent '1080x1429!' -colorspace Gray -dither Riemersma -remap eink_cmap.gif -quality 75 png:out.png