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Old 07-10-2018, 08:32 AM   #16
Junior Member
Aerandir14 began at the beginning.
Posts: 3
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Join Date: Jun 2017
Device: Kobo Glo
I can't get the metadatas from Kobo Books.
Here is the log:
calibre, version 3.27.1
ERROR: No matches found: <p>Failed to find any books that match your search. Try making the search <b>less specific</b>. For example, use only the author's last name and a single distinctive word from the title.<p>To see the full log, click "Show details".

Running identify query with parameters:
{u'title': u'\xdcbel Blatt, Vol. 1', u'authors': [u'Etorouji Shiono'], u'identifiers': {}, u'timeout': 30}
Using plugins: Kobo Books (1, 3, 1)
The log from individual plugins is below

****************************** Kobo Books (1, 3, 1) ******************************
Found 0 results
Downloading from Kobo Books took 7.10299992561
identify - title: "Ãœbel Blatt, Vol. 1" authors= "[u'Etorouji Shiono']"
create_query - title: "Ãœbel Blatt, Vol. 1"
create_query - after decode title: "Ubel Blatt, Vol. 1"
create_query - title_tokens: "[u'Ubel', u'Blatt', u'Vol', u'1']"
failed using three divs
Have close enough match - title='50 Chefs-D'Å“uvre Que Vous Devez Lire Avant De Mourir : Vol 1 (Golden Deer Classics)', id='50-chefs-d-uvre-que-vous-devez-lire-avant-de-mourir-vol-1-golden-deer-classics'
failed using three divs
Have close enough match - title='Captive-Moi (Vol. 1)', id='captive-moi-vol-1'
failed using three divs
Have close enough match - title='Mine Again - Vol. 1', id='mine-again-vol-1'
failed using three divs
Have close enough match - title='Angel after dark Vol.1', id='angel-after-dark-vol-1'
failed using three divs
Have close enough match - title='Plaisirs Partagés (Roman Érotique, Vol. 1)', id='plaisirs-partages-roman-erotique-vol-1'
KoboBooks url: u''
KoboBooks url: u''
KoboBooks url: u''
KoboBooks url: u''
KoboBooks url: u''
parse_authors - author: "Kahlen Aymes"
Rejecting authors as not a close match: Kahlen Aymes
Could not find title/authors/KoboBooks id for u''
Kobo Books: u'angel-after-dark-vol-1' Title: 'Angel after dark Vol.1' Authors: None
parse_authors - author: "Christina Ross"
Rejecting authors as not a close match: Christina Ross
Could not find title/authors/KoboBooks id for u''
Kobo Books: u'captive-moi-vol-1' Title: 'Captive-Moi (Vol. 1)' Authors: None
parse_authors - author: "Louise Valmont"
Rejecting authors as not a close match: Louise Valmont
Could not find title/authors/KoboBooks id for u''
Kobo Books: u'mine-again-vol-1' Title: 'Mine Again - Vol. 1' Authors: None
parse_authors - author: "Mark Twain,Stendhal,Edgar Allan Poe,Victor Hugo,Gustave Flaubert,Alexandre Dumas,Arthur Conan Doyle,René Descartes,Lewis Carroll,Charles Baudelaire,Guillaume Apollinaire,Golden Deer Classics"
Rejecting authors as not a close match: Mark Twain,Stendhal,Edgar Allan Poe,Victor Hugo,Gustave Flaubert,Alexandre Dumas,Arthur Conan Doyle,René Descartes,Lewis Carroll,Charles Baudelaire,Guillaume Apollinaire,Golden Deer Classics
Could not find title/authors/KoboBooks id for u''
Kobo Books: u'50-chefs-d-uvre-que-vous-devez-lire-avant-de-mourir-vol-1-golden-deer-classics' Title: u"50 Chefs-D'\u0153uvre Que Vous Devez Lire Avant De Mourir : Vol 1 (Golden Deer Classics)" Authors: None
parse_authors - author: "Analia Noir"
Rejecting authors as not a close match: Analia Noir
Could not find title/authors/KoboBooks id for u''
Kobo Books: u'plaisirs-partages-roman-erotique-vol-1' Title: u'Plaisirs Partag\xe9s (Roman \xc9rotique, Vol. 1)' Authors: None

************************************************** ******************************
The identify phase took 7.24 seconds
The longest time (7.103000) was taken by: Kobo Books
Merging results from different sources and finding earliest publication dates from the service
We have 0 merged results, merging took: 0.00 seconds
However, the book does exist on kobo store, with the exact same title :

Does anybody have an idea about how to solve this issue? I've already tried with the 1.3.1 version


EDIT: It seams like it has something to do with the language. I think it searches in French written books only.

EDIT2 : Adding "&fclanguages=all" at the end of the query seems to have solved the issue. I don't know if it would be possible to get the language from the metadata, and search only for that language, or for all languages otherwise.

Last edited by Aerandir14; 07-10-2018 at 11:36 AM.
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