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Old 02-27-2009, 12:14 PM   #1
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Emmanuel began at the beginning.
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Device: cybook
Sorting the books on the cybook

Hello all

The cybook gen3 doesn't have sophisticated sorting possibilities to list the books present on the device.

All it does is list the books either in alphabetical order, by date, by file size or by path.
Now, calibre just stores the files at the root of the cybook memory (in the eBooks directory, where they belong) when you use 'Send to device'.
So if I want my books to be listed by author on my cybook, I'm screwed because calibre will name the files like so:

so there is no way that I can see all books from the same author regrouped.

So I can see two ways to allow the cybook to sort the books in the order I want - either:

- rename the files according to a certain ruleset (for example Authors_name__Book_title.Filetype or Book_title__Authors_name.Filetype depending on the users choice)

- use the already existing directory structure from calibre, ie:

Book Files

and News files might then go into a dedicated News/ directory to regroup

This second option is in fact similar to the 'Save to disk' action,
except only one type of file is saved (like with 'send to device')

A choice could be given for the authors name ('Mark Twain' or 'Twain,

So I think it would not be too hard to implement some crude but useful way to have our books sorted in a nice way on the cybook (and possibly other ereaders)
What do you think?

For those who might wonder why I don't just use 'Save to disk', the
reason is that I have all sorts of files present in my database that
shouldn't be transfererd to the reader (like jpg files for book covers etc)

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