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Old 12-07-2017, 08:30 AM   #1007
Alissa1651 began at the beginning.
Posts: 26
Karma: 10
Join Date: Aug 2014
Device: Kindle app for iOS
Not sure what is going on, I get error messages when the plugin tries to communicate with GR if I try to create a new profile:

calibre, version 3.13.0
ERROR: Unhandled exception: <b>IOError</b>:[Errno 2] No such file or directory

calibre 3.13 [64bit]  embedded-python: True is64bit: True
Windows-10-10.0.14393-SP0 Windows ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')
('Windows', '10', '10.0.14393')
Python 2.7.12+
Windows: ('10', '10.0.14393', 'SP0', u'Multiprocessor Free')
Interface language: en_GB
Successfully initialized third party plugins: Goodreads (1, 1, 12) && Import List (1, 2, 0) && Goodreads Sync (1, 10, 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "calibre_plugins.goodreads_sync.config", line 1091, in authorize_plugin
  File "calibre_plugins.goodreads_sync.core", line 193, in get_request_token_secret
  File "calibre_plugins.goodreads_sync.core", line 118, in _oauth_request_get
  File "calibre_plugins.goodreads_sync.oauth2.__init__", line 684, in request
  File "calibre_plugins.goodreads_sync.httplib2.__init__", line 1451, in request
  File "calibre_plugins.goodreads_sync.httplib2.__init__", line 1251, in _request
  File "calibre_plugins.goodreads_sync.oauth2.__init__", line 684, in request
  File "calibre_plugins.goodreads_sync.httplib2.__init__", line 1451, in request
  File "calibre_plugins.goodreads_sync.httplib2.__init__", line 1203, in _request
  File "calibre_plugins.goodreads_sync.httplib2.__init__", line 1139, in _conn_request
  File "calibre_plugins.goodreads_sync.httplib2.__init__", line 899, in connect
  File "calibre_plugins.goodreads_sync.httplib2.__init__", line 78, in _ssl_wrap_socket
  File "", line 933, in wrap_socket
  File "", line 542, in __init__
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
It also happens if I try to linked book/Switch GR edition or Upload tags as shelves. The synchronization from GR to Calibre works though, and that's why I don't know when the exception started. I read the last posts and I think I'm experiencing the same problem. Thanks!

Last edited by Alissa1651; 12-07-2017 at 08:33 AM.
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