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Old 12-05-2017, 04:27 PM   #20
Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.Tarana ought to be getting tired of karma fortunes by now.
Tarana's Avatar
Posts: 3,983
Karma: 38840460
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Minneapolis
Device: PWSE, Voyage, K3, HDX, KBasic 7 & 8, Nook Glo3, Echos, Nanos
Goal: 100 books / 15 magazines / 2011 & earlier finished

2018 Goals:

Read 100 books (currently 119) COMPLETED!!
Read 15 magazines (currently 3) FAIL
Keep purchases under $300 for year. HUGE FAIL!
Complete all ebooks/audiobooks purchased 2011 and earlier (32/43) FAIL

Magazines Completed 3

1. 3/5 Asimov's Science Fiction July/August 2018
2. 4/5 Asimov's Science Fiction May/June 2018
3. 5/5 Asimov's Science Fiction Jan/Feb 2018

2018 Purchases TBR: 139 Read: 15 Total: Way too Much!

Totals include shipping when applicable
001. Winter Whodunits $1.06
002. Wrath and Ruin $1.06
003. Christmas Train - David Baldacci (audio) $4.23 Returned
004. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley (audio) $11.57
005. Murder in an Irish Village (audio)
006. Breakfast at Tiffany's (audio)
007. The Emperor's Soul (audio)
008. Treasure Island (audio) $2.13
009. Punch Escrow (audio) $3.60
010. Soothsayer (Oracle Book 1) - Mike Resnick $.90
011. Six Blind Men and an Alien - Mike Resnick $.91
012. Shaka II - Mike Resnick $.91
013. Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge - Mike Resnick $.91
014. Prophet (oracle book 3) - Mike Resnick $.91
015. Oracle (Oracle book 2) - Mike Resnick $.91
016. Exploits of Lucifer Jones - Mike Resnick $.91
017. Encounters of Lucifer Jones - Mike Resnick $.91
018. Bully - Mike Resnick $.91
019. Bug-Eyed Monsters & Bimbos - Mike Resnick $.91
020. Adventures Lucifer Jones - Mike Resnick $.91
010. Captive Dreams - Michael Flynn $2.99
011. Forest of Time and other short stories - Michael Flynn $1.00
012. Touch (audio) $8.60 (1/2 credit) DONE 2/14
013. Old Bones (audio) $12.80
014. Yakima Henry - Dangerous Dawn (CD) 6.07+4
015. Yakima Henry - Dead River Killer (CD) 3.69+4
016. Yakima Henry - Bullet For a Half-Breed (CD) $11.98
017. Yakima Henry - Thunder Riders (CD) 7.10+4
018. Yakima Henry - The Savage Breed (CD) $12.99+4
019. Swallow the Sky - Chris Mead .99
020. Dying for a Dude - Cindy Sample (audio) $8.02
021. Dragon Blood - Lyndsay Buroker (audio) $8.02 RETURNED
022. Jack Daniels Stories - J A Konrath (audio) $2.13
023. Swallow the Sky - Chris Mead $1.06
024. Good to Great to Gone: Rise and Fall of Circuit City - Alan Wurtzel $1.06 +
025. Flying Blind - Max Allan Collins (audio) $2.13
026. What Doesn't Kill Her - Max Allan Collins (audio) $2.13
027. A Prayer for the Ship - Douglas Reeman (audio) $8.96
028. Goodbye Piccadilly - Cynthia Harrod-Eagles (audio) $10.64
029. Keep the Home Fires Burning - Cynthia Harrod-Eagles (audio) $10.64
030. The Land of My Dreams - Cynthia Harrod-Eagles (audio) $10.85
031. The Long, Long Trail - Cynthia Harrod-Eagles (audio) $10.85
032. Striding Folly - Cynthia Harrod-Eagles (audio) $6.97
033. Asimov Scifi Mag (Jan) $5.98
034. Asimov Scifi Mag (Mar) $5.98
035. Asimov Scifi Mag (May) $5.98
037. Asimov Scifi Mag (Jul) $5.98
038. Prisoner of Limnos (audio) $2.95
039. Rattling heat in Deadwood $14.69
040. Christmas Past (audio) $4.06
041. Naughty & Nice (audio) $4.06
042. The Tall Delores - Michael Avallone $4.99
043. Still Waters - Viveca Sten (audio) $2.13
044. A Matter of Loyalty (audio+ebook) $2.11 $2.13
045. Magic Kingdom For Sale (audio+ebook) $10.66 + $3.20
046. Southern Bound - Stuart Jaffe(audio) $8.02
047. 14 - Peter Clines (audio) $7.45
048. Night Circus - Erin Morgenstern (audio) $7.45
049. In the Darkest Corner - Elizabeth Haynes (audio) $7.45
050. A Date With Murder - Jessica Fletcher (audio) $14.95
051. Bloodfire Quest - Terry Brooks (audio)
052. Skaar Invasion - Terry Brooks (audio)
053. Battersea Barricades - Jodi Taylor $4.79 (audio)
054. Bearers of the Black Staff - Terry Brooks $6.00 (CD)
055. The Measure of the Magic - Terry Brooks $6.00 (CD)
056. Playing Possum - Charlaine Harris $4.00 (CD)
057. Dancers in the Dark - Charlaine Harris $4.00 (CD)
058. The Neighbor - Dean Koontz $6.00 (CD)
059. Warriors - George R. R. Martin & Gardner Dozois $6.00 (CD)
060. Warriors 1 - George R. R. Martin & Gardner Dozois $6.00 (CD)
061. Warriors 2 - George R. R. Martin & Gardner Dozois $6.00 (CD)
062. Wolfsbane & Mistletoe - Charlaine Harris $6 (CD)
063. Home Improvement: Undead Edition (CD)
064. Down These Strange Streets - George R R MArtin $6.00 (CD)
065. Games Creatures Play - Charlaine Harris $6 (CD)
066. Death's Excellent Vacation -Charlaine Harris $6 (CD)
067. Fatal Tide - Lis Wiel $6 (CD)
068. Many Bloody Returns - Charlaine Harris $6 (CD)
069. Sweet Tea & Sympathy - Molly Harper $4.23 (audio) RETURNED
070. The Truth - Terry Pratchett $14.95 (audio)
071. Fatal Tide - Lis Wiel $6.00 (audio)
072. Black Elfstone - Terry Brooks $14.95 (audio)
073. Eye of the Needle - Ken Follet $ 6.48 (audio)
074. Sevenses - Neal Stephenson $5.20 (audio)
075. Redshirts - John Scalzi $3.99 (audio)
076. Existence - David Brin $3.49 (audio)
077. Medium Dead - Chris Dolley $2.13 (audio) + $4.09
078. A Christmas Tragedy: A Miss Marple Story - Agatha Christie $1.06
079. The Pieter Van In Mysteries $4.27
080. Bubba Mystery Novels 1-6 $1.07
081. Bubba and the Wacky Wedding $3.20
082. Bubba and the Curious Cadaver $3.20
083. The Smiler with the Knife $9.42
084. Shadow Play - Cynthia Harrod Eagles $14.95
085. Oxford Tea Room Mysteries Vol 1 - H.Y. Hanna $8.02
086. Dust Angel - Jutta Profijt (E + audio) $2.13 + $2.13
087 (preorder) Bodies from the Library - anthology $7.40
088. Hal Spacejock Vol 2 - $4.31
089. Licensed to Thrill 3 $5.39
090. Edinburgh Twilight (E + audio) $2.13 + $2.13
091. Children of the Earth - Catherine Wells $1.33
092 The Earth Is All That Lasts - Catherine Wells $1.33
093. The Earth Saver - Catherine Wells $1.33
094. Connor's Gambit - Z Gottlieb $1.06
095. Turn Coat - Jim Butcher(E + audio) $2.13+12.84
096. Cooking is Murder - Elizabeth Spann Craig (E + audio) $5.35 +$8.02
097. Asimov Scifi Mag (Sept) $2.99
098. The Fold - Peter Clines (audio) 5.30
099. Blood World - B V Larsen $1.06
100. Undeniable - Tom Grace (CD) $4
101. Tappan's Burro/The Kidnapping of Roseta Uvaldo - Zane Grey (CD) $4
102. INCI - Mike Resnick (CD) $4
103. Ignition - Kevin J Anderson (CD) $4
104. Darkling Child - Terry Brooks $16.15
105. Sorcerer's Daughter - Terry Brooks $16.15
106. In Harms Way - Vivica Stem $10.49
107. Thirty Nine Steps - John Buchan $7.98
108. True Crime - Max Allan Collins $2.13
109. Never Somewhere Else - Alex Gray $8.02
110. Death in the English Countryside - Sara Rosett $3.16
111. In the Heat of the Moment - Viveca Sten (e+a) $6.42 + $2.13
112. Act One - Nancy Kress $1
113. AI Unbound - Nancy Kress $1
114. Beggars in Spain - Nancy Kress $1
115. The Body Human - Nancy Kress $1
116. Future Perfect - Nancy Kress $1
117. Oaths and Miracles - Nancy Kress $1
118. Stinger - Nancy Kress $1
119. New Under the Sun - Nancy Kress $1
120. Asimov Magazine (Sept 2018) $5.98
121. The Dead Key- D M Pulley (e+a) $2.13 + $2.13
122. Arabian Knights (e+a) $1.06 + $2.13
123. Shadow of Night - Deborah Harkness $7.45
124. MSW Manuscript for Murder - Jessica Fletcher (audio)
125. February Fever - Jess Lourey $3.85
126. Good Omens - Terry Pratchett $6.37
127. Just One Damned Thing After Another - Jodi Taylor $5.35
127. Running With The Demon - Terry Brooks $7.42
128. Don Quixote - Miguel Certantes $7.43
129. Fellowship of the King - J R R Tolkein $7.50
130. Brideshead Revisited - Evelyn Waugh $5.25 RETURNED
131. Edinburgh Dusk - Carole Lawrence (ebook + audio) $2.13 + 2.13
132. HellCorp - Jonathan Whitelaw $3.20
133. Tea Cozies - GMC Editors $2.13
134. Never Somewhere Else - Alex Gray $3.20
135. Five Ways To Kill A Man - Alex Gray $3.20
136. The Silent Games - Alex Gray $3.20
137. Keep the Midnight Out - Alex Gray $3.20
138. What Have You Done - Mathew Farrell (audio+ebook) $3.20
139. Rapid Falls - Amber Cowie (first reads) ebook+ audio $3.20
140. And Now For Something Completely Different - Jodi Taylor (audio) $3.27
141. The Great ST Mary's Day Out -- Jodi Taylor (audio)$3.96
142. Men I'm Not Married To - Dorothy Parker $3.96
143. THe Steam Pump Jump - Jodi Taylor (audio) $3.96
144. Kiss and Tell - Ellery Queen $3.95
145. Storm World - B V Larson $16.15
146. David Copperfield - Charles DIckens $2.13
147. Symphony of Echoes - Jodi Taylor (ebook +audio) $4.27 +$2.13
148. A Trail Through TIme - Jodi Taylor (audio) $8.11
149. Till The Boys Come Home - Cynthia Harrod-Eagles $11.00
150. A second Chance - Jodi Taylor (ebook +audio) $4.27 +$2.13
151. NO Time Like The Past - Jodi Taylor (ebook +audio) $5.35+ $2.13
152. An Argumentation of Histories - Jodi Taylor (audio) $10.54
153. Lies, Damned Lies and History - Jodi Taylor (audio) $10.83
154. And The Rest is History - Jodi Taylor (audio) $10.83
155. What Could Possibly Go Wrong - Jodi Taylor (audio) $10.83
156. The Evolutionary Void - Peter F Hamilton $16.18
157. Inconstant Moon - Larry Niven $2.65
158. Home World - B V Larson $2.13
159. Rogue World - B V Larson $2.13
160. The Elven - Bernard Hensen (ebook + audio) $2.13 + $2.13
161. Road Beyond Ruin - Gemma Livie (ebook + audio) $2.13
162. Lord of the Rings Omnibus $3.20
163. The Two Towers (audio) $16.15
164. The Return of the King (audio) $16.15
165. Judas Unchainged (audio) $16.15
166. Inconstant Moon $2.65
167. Rapid Falls (ebook+audiobook) $2.13 + 2.13

01. West Cork (audible)
02. Humanity Anthology - Alex Shvartsman (Phoenix pick)
03. Captive Dreams - Michael Flynn (Phoenix Pick)
04. Forest of Time and Other Stories - Michael Flynn (Phoenix Pick)
05. Best of Cordwainer Smith - Anthology (Phoenix Pick)
06. Date with Murder (used credit from a return)
07. Energized - Edward Lerner
08. Minecrafter
09. Mother Grimm - Catherine Wells (Phoenix Pick)
10. The Coming Storm - Michael Lewis (audible)
11. Everyday Meditation (audible)
12. Everyday Meditation (audible)
13. Emma (audible)
14. Dark Corners Collection (free from Audible)
15. The Ruin - Deveria McTiernan (free from Audible)
16. Rapid Falls - Amber Cowie (ebook free from Kindle First)
17. Storm Glass - Jeff Wheeler (free from audible).
18. Road Beyond Ruin - Gemma Liviero (kindle First)
19. Black Tides of heaven (Tor free)
20. Luna: New Moon (Tor Free)
21. Shadow in Summer (Tor Free)
22. Quantum Thief (Tor Free)

2019 Preorder
1. Killer Thriller - Ian Goldberg $5.99 (ebook) $7.99 (audio)
2. Storm World - B V Larson $16.15 (audio)

Ebooks/Audiobooks 2011 & earlier (43) Total Done: 32

001. ELANTRIS - Brandon Sanderson
002. STAR HUNTER - Andre Norton
003. EMMA - Jane Austen
004. VALOR'S CHOICE - Tanya Huff
005. PLAGUE SHIP - Andre Norton
007. TWILIGHT EYES - Dean Koontz
008. GINGERBREAD COOKIE MURDER - Joanne Fluke, etc.
010. MEMORY OF EARTH - Orson Scott Card
011. JAWS - Peter Benchly
012. DARK & STORMY KNIGHTS (anthology) ed. P Enrod
013. IMPACT - Michael Wallace & Jeffery Anderson
016. NEPTUNE CROSSING - Jeffery Carver
017. DARK OF THE MOON - John Sandford
019. THE DEFIANT AGENTS - Andre Norton
020. TRUE DETECTIVE - Max Allan Collins
021. NORTHANGER ABBEY - Jane Austen
022. DOUBLE WHAMMY - Carl Hiaasen
023. GODCHILD - Vincent Zandri
024. LETHAL PEOPLE - John Locke
026. PANDORA'S STAR - Peter Hamilton
027. ELVES OF CINTRA - Terry Brooks
028. THE GYPSY MORPH - Terry Brooks
029. POLARIS - Jeff McDevitt
030. WIZARD'S FIRST RULE - Terry Goodkind
031. MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS - Robert Heinlein

01. 5/5 Jacob T Marley - R William Bennett (audio)
A Christmas Carol from Marley's point of view.
02. 5/5 Elantris - Brandon Sanderson (audio)
Great fantasy story. A little tough with audio because of all the references.
03. 4/5 Carbs & Cadavers - J.B. Stanley (audio)
Enjoyed this diet based mystery cozy. A good read for Jan weight loss goals.
04. 5/5 Dead Until Dark - Charlaine Harris (audio)
Small group reread - still enjoyable!
05. 5/5 Living Dead in Dallas - Charlaine Harris (audiobook)
Small group reread - loved it. Forgot some parts even!
06. 3/5 Star Hunter - Andre Norton (audio)
Good action. Disgruntled guild spacer makes deal with criminal for cash.
07. 5/5 Midwife's Here! - Linda Fairley
Memoir of a midwife's early years.
08. 4/5 Fire and Fury - Michael Wolff (audio)
Summarizes the first 9 months of the Trump administration. Messed up!
09. 2/5 Emma - Jane Austen (audio)
Just could not stand the rambling in this book.
10. 4/5 Ups and Downs of Being Dead - M R Cornelius
Apparently, the soul doesn't sleep when cryogenically frozen.
11. 1/5 Uninteresting Tales of Fred the Vampire Accountant - Drew Hayes (audio)
Uninteresting fit this book.
12. 3/5 Deader Homes and Gardens - Angie Fox
Enjoyed Ok, enjoyed the characters, but the plot was kinda choppy.
13. 4/5 May Day - Jess Lourey
Minnesota prairieland murder. Did the librarian do it?
14. 5/5 Touch - Claire North (audio)
He switches bodies as someone tries to track him and kill him.
15. 5/5 Valor's Choice - Tanya Huff (audio)
Great military scifi. Loved it.
16. 4/5 June Bug - Jess Lourey
Another Minnesota prairieland case - missing jewelry from the 1920s.
17. 5/5 Club Dead - Charlaine Harris (audio)
Loved this book. Some real humerous reactions from Eric.
18. 5/5 Dead To The World - Charlaine Harris (audio)
Eric looses his memory and Sookie and he develop relationship.
19. 3/5 Plague Ship - Andre Norton
Good book. Crew is sickened and threatened with destruction.
20. 4/5 Knee High to the Fourth of July - Jess Lourey
The Chief's statue is stolen and there is part of a scalp left. Who did it & where is chief?
21. 3/5 Lust, Loathing and a Little Lip Gloss - Kyra Davis (audio)
Woman buys house with contingency that she join a ghost group. So so. A little humor.
22. 4/5 August Moon - Jess Lourey
Religious nuts and a teenager dies. Plus a woodtick curator. Weird, huh?
23. 4/5 Twilight Eyes - Dean Koontz (audio)
Guy sees goblins. Hides out in carnival. Good and creepy.
24. 4/5 September Fair - Jess Lourey
The Minnesota State Fair! Butter! Cows! Murder!
25. 3/5 Gingerbread Cookie Murder - Joanne Fluke, Laura Levine, Leslie Meier (audio)
3 short stories. Two were really good, but one was narrated funky.
26. 5/5 Dead as a Doornail - Charlaine Harris (audio)
Shapeshifters are getting shot. Who's next? Who's doing it?
27. 4/5 A Little Yuletide Murder - Jessica Fletcher/Donald Bain
Farmer/Santa Claus shot. Another farmer accused based on rep.
28. 5/5 Definitely Dead - Charlaine Harris (audio)
Rushed through cuz I couldn't stop listening.
29. 2/5 High Noon - Michael Avallone
Odd book, but definite end to the Ed Noon series.
30. 4/5 The Truth - Terry Pratchett (audio)
Loved this although I was confused with the plot.
31. 5/5 All Together Dead - Charlaine Harris (audio)
Another vampire thrill. Vampire hotel incident.
32. 4/5 From Dead to Worse - Charlaine Harris (audio)
Post Katrina problems.
33. 3/5 Breakfast At Tiffany's - Truman Copote (audio)
Worthy listen. Capote had a great writing style.
34. 5/5 Gentle Brush of Wings - David Niall Wilson (audio)
This was a freebee from Audible. Really good horror short story.
35. 4/5 Heat Wave - Richard Castle (audio)
Once I got past the stupid name, Nikki Heat, it was a good mystery.
36. 3/5 Listening Is An Act of Love - Dave Isay (audio)
StoryCorps, ambitious private oral history project.
37. 5/5 Naughty & Nice - Kevin J Anderson (audio)
Santa Clause has been robbed. Oh, and he lives in the quarter! novella.
38. 4/5 C is for Corpse - Sue Grafton
Kinsey looks for the killer of her client
39. 5/5 Still Waters - Viveca Sten (audio)
Swedish crime mystery in the Swedish archepelago.
40. 5/5 Darkly Dreaming Dexter - Jeff Lindsay (audio)
Excellent book. Kept me going throughout.
41. 1/5 John Dies at the End - David Wong (audio)
Hated it. Returned to Audible for a credit. The narrator was excellent.
42. 5/5 Jaws - Peter Benchley (audio)
Great pre-summer read. Still just as good as it was in 70s
43. 5/5 Dead and Gone - Charlaine Harris (audio)
Fairy War
44. 5/5 Dead In The Family - Charlaine Harris (audio)
Eric's maker shows up.
45. 1/5 Memory of Earth - Orson Scott Card (audio)
Quit after 3 hours. Religious fantasy, not scifi. Narrator was great.
46. 4/5 Dead Reckoning - Charlaine Harris (audio)
The Fae and Victor are the main issues in this book.
47. 4/5 Deadlocked - Charlaine Harris (audio)
Good story but lacking spark.
48. 4/5 Dead Ever After - Charlaine Harris (audio)
Excellent end to the series.
49. 3/5 Dark & Stormy Knights - ed. P. Enrod (audio)
Good anthology, a couple of very good shorts.
50. 4/5 Implant - Michael Wallace & Jeffery Anderson
Good CIA Military thriller
51. 2/5 Southern Bound - Stuart Jaffe (audio)
Didn't really spark for me. Urban paranormal without romance.
52. 5/5 Darkness Forged in Fire - Chris Evans (audio)
Military fantasy - really enjoyed. Some humor which is great!
53. 5/5 Three Musketeers - Alexander Dumas (audio)
Narrated by John Lee. Excellent story. Does drag in some places.
54. 4/5 Whose Body - Dorothy Sayers (audio)
Good story. A bit like Woodhouse.
55. 5/5 A Slight Detour - Christopher Stasheff
Our troupe lands on a Puritan planet. The lecture was fabulous!
56. 5/5 There's Trouble Brewing - Nicholas Blake (audio)
Excellent mystery with writer sleuth. Written in 1930s.
57. 5/5 Jane Carver of Waar - Nathan Long (audio)
Maybe it was the narrator, but I LOVED this book despite the gratuitous sex.
58. 3/5 Rocket Ship Galileo - Robert Heinlein (audio)
Good book, geared towards ages 10-16.
59. 4/5 Silver Needle Murder - Laura Childs
Really liked this but there were some unrealistic actions, hence the 4/5.
60. 4/5 The Wide-Awake Princess - E D Baker
Great fun. Multiple fairy tales weaved in. Enjoyable even for adults.
61. 5/5 Closed Circles - Viveca Sten (audio)
Excellent murder mystery in Sweden. Love this series!
62. 4/5 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - Ian Flemming
Loved this as a kid. Still good as an adult.
63. 3/5 Dead But Not Forgotten - Charlaine Harris & Tony Kelner ed. (audio)
Stories written in Sookie Stackhouse world. Some are EXCELLENT. Most are ok.
64. 5/5 Little Myth Marker - Robert Asprin (audio)
Skeeve wins a mark during Dragon poker that turns out to be a little girl.
64a. 3/5 Asimov's Science Fiction July/August 2018
Good novella, one outstanding novellette.
65. 4/5 Myth-ing Persons - Robert Asprin (audio)
Oz gets nabbed for a crime that didn't happen.
66. 5/5 True Fiction - Lee Goldberg (audio)
Really good thriller featuring author Ian Ludlow against the CIA.
67. 5/5 Guiltless - Viveca Sten (audio)
This murder has two threads - one from the past, one from the present.
67a. 4/5 Asimov's Science Fiction May/June 2018
Very good, 1 outstanding novella and 2 outstanding shorts.
68. 5/5 Tonight You're Dead - Viveca Sten (audio)
Murder involving student and soldiers. Another excellent book!
69. 3/5 Red shirts - John Scalzi (audio)
Not my kind of read, but enjoyed it.
70. 3/5 Vampire Archives: Blood Suckers - ed. Otto Penzler & Neil Giaman (audio)
Enjoyable, but not outstanding.
71. 5/5 Octoberfest - Jess Lourey
Politicals and death. And Mrs. Berms silly son tries to lock her up.
72. 5/5 November Hunt - Jess Lourey
Was the shooting accidental? Or was it murder?
73. 4/5 Riders of the Purple Sage - Zane Grey (audio)
Excellent story. Really warms up later in the book.
74. 4/5 Cancer: What I Wish I Had Known When I Was First Diagnosed - Michelle Ryan
Short and to the point. Geared towards those with children.
75. 5/5 Murder She Wrote: Coffee, Tea or Murder? - Jessica Fletcher/Donald Bain (audio)
New airline has inaugural trip. Then a murder.
76. 5/5 Riders of the Silences - Max Brand (audio)
This was a great story! Very interesting characters.
77. 4/5 10 Minute Declutter - S J Scott (audio)
Just my speed. Get more done 10 minutes at a time then what I usually do.
77a. 3/5 Asimov's Science Fiction January/February 2018
Fabulous. Every story a winner!
78. 3/5 The Untamed - Max Brand (audio)
Good story but a tad too supernatural for a straight western.
79. 5/5 Callaghen - Louis L'Amour
Great story - Callaghen is waiting for his release from Army & stuff happens.
80. 5/5 December Dread - Jess Lourey
Murders with candy canes! Not as many great snarky lines.
81. 5/5 Light of Burning Shadows - Chris Evans (audio)
Book 2 featuring Iron Elves vs. Shadow Monarch & sometimes themselves.
82. 5/5 Neptune Crossing - Jeffery Carver
Alien enters mind of pilot so that they can both complete an unknown mission.
83. 5/5 Dark of the Moon - John Sandford (audio)
1st book in Virgil Flowers series - funny guy.
84. 3/5 Armageddon's Children - Terry Brooker (audio)
Apocalyptic beginning of the end for humans & mutants.
85. 2/5 The Defiant Agents - Andre Norton (audio)
Time volunteers revert to their Apache ancestors on another planet.
86. 5/5 True Detective - Max Allan Collins (audio)
1932 historical detective. Excellent
87. 5/5 Northanger Abbey - Jane Austen (audio)
Wonderful! Definite keeper. Romantic comedy and gothic in the same novel.
88. 5/5 Double Whammy - Carl Hiaasen (audio)
Bass fishing and murder! Fun book.
89. 4/5 Godchild - Vincent Zandri
Private eye sent to rescue woman from Mexican prison run by cartel.
90. 3/5 Frankenstein - Mary Shelley (audio)
Great story and a bit different than one expects having seen many films.
91. 5/5 The Black Ice - Michael Connelly (audio)
Cop commits suicide; Bosch given 2 other cases that seem related.
92. 3/5 Kiss The Girls and Make Them Die - Charles Runyon (audio)
Guy arrested for pot accused of killing multiple women.
93. 2/5 Storm Over Warlock - Andre Norton (audio)
Really dragged for me. Don't know why.
94. 5/5 A Case Of Need - Michael Crichton
Medical mystery with doc as sleuth
95. 2/5 Unkillable - Patrick E. McLean
Wanted to like more than i did
96. 5/5 January Thaw - Jess Lourey
Really funny. She managed to include ice fishing.
97. 5/5 The Fifth Risk - Michael Lewis
How the US Government really works.
98. 2/5 Lethal People - John Locke
Contract killer. Nothing to enjoy here.
99. 1/5 Diabetes Without Drugs - Suzy Cohen
Way out of date to be useful
100. 5/5 Pandora's Star - Peter Hamilton (audio)
Fabulous story! Several plots. Book 1 of 2
101. 5/5 Importance of Being Earnest - Oscar Wilde (audio)
2 versions - narrated by Christopher Hurt + cast performance.
102. 5/5 Elves of Cintra - Terry Brooks (audio)
Good story. Lots of action.
103. 5/5 We Are Legion (We Are Bob) - Dennis Taylor
This was a fun story. Definite keeper.
104. 3/5 M.Y.T.H Inc Link - Robert Asprin (audio)
multiple plots going on. I got rather confused. Enjoyable though.
105. 5/5 February Fever - Jess Lourey
Another great book, but it made me cry. Sniff.
106. 5/5 Just One Damned Thing After Another - Jodi Taylor
Reread. One of my top 10 favorite books!
107. 5/5 The Gypsy Morph - Terry Brooks (audio)
Great ending to this trilogy.
108. 3/5 Polaris - Jeff McDevitt (audio)
Closed room mystery. Scifi fan should skip unless they also read mysteries.
109. 4/5 Wizard's First Rule - Terry Goodkind (audio)
Good fantasy, but overfocused on cruelty.
110. 2/5 Moon Is a Harsh Mistress - Robert Heinlein (audio)
OK story. Not for me.
111. 4/5 March Of Crime - Jess Lourey
Good story but too much of stretch for belief.
112. 3/5 Ringworld's Children - Larry Niven (audio)
Pretty good ending to series although not outstanding.
113. 2/5 The Christmas Train - David Baldacci (audio)
I don't like general fiction even from a favorite thriller writer. But it was Amtrak
114. 2/5 Drowning in Christmas - Judith Ivie (audio)
So so mystery.
115. 5/5 Glass Mermaid - Melanie Karsak (audio)
Very nice modernization of mermaid story. Short story.
116. 2/5 The Cupcake Witch - Melanie Karsak (audio)
Was supposed to be fantasy. Turns out to be a romance.
117. 5/5 Fellowship of the Ring - J R R Tolkien (audio)
Fabulous still! I bought audiobooks, so had to listen.
118. 5/5 Dragonflight - Ann McCaffrey
Great story. Wish my ebook had fewer errors, however.
119. 5/5 The Two Towers - J R R Tolkien (audio)
Love it, love it! SO glad I got the audio now too!

Book Rating/Comments:
1: Awful, or did not finish
2: So, so, or not to my taste
3: Good book
4: Very good book; possible reread.
5: Wonderful book! A keeper.

Last edited by Tarana; 12-31-2018 at 06:23 PM. Reason: Edited title
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