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Old 02-16-2009, 06:11 PM   #44
Cheez-It began at the beginning.
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Join Date: Feb 2009
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Hello all,

Seeing as the thread has come to a conclusion...

I am in a very similar predicament. About to start work on a thesis (as in: no idea what the specific topic is yet, much reading to do), and don't want to kill a tree in the process, or spend the time printing it all, have the mess of papers around, or spend the $ on ink.

Correct me if I am wrong, but these seem to be the findings:

TLDR: The only real option for adequate viewing of PDF's is the iRex DR1000...

~6" readers offer a nice selection of regular books and content, but have difficulty displaying academic journal PDF files. There are methods to cut these files up, but they aren't perfect, or anywhere near it, particularly for studies involving odd tables and diagrams.

iRex iLiad: Same as above, but worse selection for standard books/content (and purchasing options), and a little better for PDFs, but still not ideal.

iRex DR1000: Ideal for standard sized PDFs. Same as above for other details. Cost is exorbitant.

netbook/ultratiny PC: Battery life, weight, screen (for reading) and shape are problematic.

tablet PC: Battery life, screen and weight are problematic.

Is that about it? The DR1000 is highly appealing, but how long will it be used for? Will I have a wide variety of content to justify a $$$$$ price tag after my thesis is complete? A tablet PC seems like it could be a reasonable choice, and Asus has a cheap one coming soon, but battery life and readability could be problematic (and weight, but I have trouble envisioning this issue due to lack of experience).

Any thoughts? suggestions? I'm also a bit hesitant with dedicated e-book readers given the fact that this is such a young technology, and the tech will be accelerating quite quickly, obsoleting this product incredibly quickly (IMHO)... So $750+ for one seems a bit nuts.

Thanks for any help!

Last edited by Cheez-It; 02-16-2009 at 07:54 PM.
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