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Old 05-10-2017, 03:25 PM   #775
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smmorris began at the beginning.
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After days of trying to figure out on my own and after reading all of the posts in this thread, I'm conceding (begging.) I need help.
I have an android tablet and use Calibre Companion (not sure how I managed without it, I have a LOT of books) to manage my books on the tablet.

My problem is books in multiple series. I have the series column, and user columns: Additional, Main and KW (Kindle World) All of which work and display correctly in Calibre.

I have created a combo column for displaying all of the series in one column. My problem is I can either get the column to display correctly and not be able to click on the individual field links in book details or I can get the different series fields to be clickable (so I get all the books in the series to display) but it looks incorrect in the grid and correct when I add to book details. Which really confuses me.

I have tried Column created from other columns and Column created from other columns, behave like tags. Both seem to work the same which doesn't make sense to me but at this point I've created and changed so many times nothing makes sense.

The field that displays correctly is set up like this
{#main}{#main_index:| [|], }{series}{series_index:0>5.2f|[|], }{#additional}{#additional_index:| [|],}{#kw}{#kw_index:| [|] }

and looks like this
Love in Bloom [63], The Bradens (at Pleasant Hill)[01.00], The Bradens [23],
in Book details this is all one link and clikcing gets you ONLY this book because its the only one with these series #s.

The one where is works in book details put displays incorrectly in the columsn is set up like this:
{#main:||, } {#main_index:| [|] ,} {series:||, } {series_index:| [|] ,} {#additional:||, } {#additional_index:| [|] ,} {#kw:||, } {#kw_index:| [|] ,}
Displays like this in Book Details:
Love in Bloom, [63] , The Bradens (at Pleasant Hill), [1] , The Bradens, [23] , (and I can click on each field to get only the books that match the series)

it displays like this in the column:
[1], [23], [63], Love in Bloom, The Bradens (at Pleasant Hill), The Bradens

Writing things out is not one of my skills so I hope this makes sense. And thanks in advance for any help/guidance you might be able to give me.

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