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Old 04-07-2017, 02:07 PM   #10
lllusion began at the beginning.
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Device: PW3
Okay the Oasis really grew on me a lot! My main preference is horizontal because of the symmetry and even weight distribution, plus the wide margins COMBINED with the super light weight. So awesome! I jailbroke it last night and put custom screensavers on it so it feels a lot more customized and tailored to me.

Atunah I am glad you love yours and chimed in on behalf of the Oasis. Funny how each of us are so set on our own ergonomic preferences. Horizontal is alien to you and you like it vertical with the weight shifted to one hand yet I still just can't get used to it, despite all of your fine reasoning.

Originally Posted by Sirtel View Post
Yes, the Oasis feels perfect in landscape mode. That is, when I'm holding it in my left hand. When I hold it in my right hand, I prefer the portrait mode. It sounds bizarre, but that's simply the way it is and I can't help it. So I change orientation from horizontal to vertical or vice versa every time I switch hands. Fortunately, the Oasis is so lightweight that I can go a long time without switching, otherwise it would be a real nuisance.
Hopefully you don't have to swap the button layout each time too. :x

I'm going to pay more attention to how the battery is depleting because after just one session (naked without the cover), it appears to be at around 90% or so. That seems like a lot of battery depletion for me for an hour or so of use.

Last edited by lllusion; 04-07-2017 at 02:13 PM.
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