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Old 01-21-2017, 05:00 PM   #1437
MontyJ began at the beginning.
Posts: 224
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Device: Kindle
Just an update on how this QNAP+COPS+Pagekite thing is going..

Since my last update, I entered all my users into .htpasswd. Keep in mind they were already in the pagekite.rc file.

I then flipped the switch and invited them to try it out.

It was a mixed bag. Some users got in w/o any problems, others simply could not get past the login.

And I noticed that, seemingly randomly, and with different browsers, I would sometimes get the 'pagekite' login screen, and other times get the Apache login.

So I decided to eliminate the pagekite logins and commented them all out in the pagekite.rc file. That seems to have cleared up the problem of the logins...knock on wood, LoL.

But, I lost the great activity data on each user login realtime and in the pagekite.log file. I am running it from a ssh command prompt, but it also runs as a daemon which does not provide any realtime data, but does put it into the log file realtime. Still, w/o the users activated in pagekite.rc, I only get basic IP info.

Q) So, question: Is there a log file in COPS with time stamped activity? Is there some config file setting to turn that on if not?

I can eventually find the apache log file(s), but cannot find anything for COPS.

Q) I have yet to find any examples of a 'autorun' setup that will work for the tS-251. The 'ramblock' examples I see for the TS-251+ do not show up in the least as far as I can find.

Q) Any one know if there is a better way to to configure an app to automatically start when the QNAP reboots? In my case, the current startup looks like this, tho for security I will change it after I let the users bang on it a while:

[/share/Web] # python --optfile=/share/Web/pagekite.rc
I did get an answer from the Pagekite developer. Very polite, but could only offer generalities on my issues and pointed out that the .deb install of Pagekite automatically set it up for start on boot. I doubt, but don't really know, if there are any .deb installers for QTS running on x86 Intel chips.

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