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Old 09-06-2016, 10:33 PM   #52
sbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beauty
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Book sorting problem

Originally Posted by romad View Post
First, I set the sorting to Author+Series. I then imported four books of a 5-book series, but MR does NOT sort them according to series number but sorts by Author+Title so series is sorted books 4, 3, 1, 5 instead of 1, 3, 4, 5. How do I get the sorting into the proper sequential order? Is there a way to manually move the books into their proper order?
Can you show a screenshot of what's wrong in book list view?
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