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Old 04-06-2016, 11:56 PM   #1
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biojack began at the beginning.
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Device: Kobo Glo HD
Issues taking notes - firmware or touchscreen issue? - Kobo Glo HD

Hi everyone, I recently got my first Kobo Glo HD and I'm having issues with taking notes and highlighting text. While I'm slowly getting better at highlighting when I get into annotation mode and type normally it seems 1/4 of the letters don't register properly. That last sentence would look like this: "Whil I'mskwlu getihbette at hghlihtint" I've tried typing slower, typing harder, I've even started looking at each letters to make sure the little squares around them becomes "highlighted" when I press them. I'm still missing some letters and so far I have been unable to insert the cursor anywhere near where the mistakes are. I find myself often deleting the entire note and starting over... and of course getting frustrated with the device. I've just spent the last hour looking online and on this forum for clues and while it seems highlighting can sometimes be challenging I don't see anyone complaining about note taking. I'm wondering if it's just my kobo or if they are all like this.

Here are a few other observations/notes:
- I just noticed that if I have a few line of text and hit a word the cursor appears somewhere nearby on the line below. Noticing this got me to trying hitting the top of the text box and "voila!" the cursor appears on the first line not far below. I'm wondering now if the keyboards thinks I'm hitting between letters if the kobo is not mapping my fingers correctly.
- I do have big fingers but never had an issue typing or selecting text on my small iphone 5 screen.
- The book I'm currently reading is in kepub format
- I saw someone mention a "sketch pad" to test the touchscreen but it appears it's not on the kobo glo hd.
- I'm planning to use Calibre and plugin (unless someone has a better to suggest) to export the notes

And... if you've made it this far.... did anyone notice that if highlights end or begin with a space they don't register? Must be a bug right? At least I figured this one out before I returned it to the stores. I was going crazy selecting the same text over and over.

Thanks everyone
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