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Old 01-06-2016, 03:18 AM   #7
sbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beautysbaylor does all things with Zen-like beauty
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Originally Posted by Valkrider View Post
Just a point you say on your website that Marvin will not handle ePub3 books. It does, well it does with all the ePub3 books I have read on it so far, I haven't found one that it won't display.
Marvin 2.8.5 (the latest version updated on Aug 2015) states on its App Store page that "Marvin opens DRM-free EPUB 2.0 books", and does not mention support of EPUB 3.0.

While Marvin may work for some EPUB 3.0 books, it seems that its developer is well aware of the fact that it doesn't adequately work for EPUB 3.0 in general. Indeed Marvin fails on a set of standard EPUB 3.0 test suites, including EPUBTEST 0130. For more details, including comparison screenshots, please go to our website (

For your reference, you may also download the two sample books we have used for taking the comparison screenshots from our website, and perform a comparison yourself.
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