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Old 12-20-2015, 02:13 PM   #24
Chocky can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Chocky can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Chocky can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Chocky can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Chocky can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Chocky can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Chocky can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Chocky can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Chocky can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Chocky can program the VCR without an owner's manual.Chocky can program the VCR without an owner's manual.
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Oh, one didn't this time.

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('Windows', '8', '6.2.9200')
Python 2.7.9
Windows: ('8', '6.2.9200', '', 'Multiprocessor Free')
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DEBUG: 0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG: 0.0 - loading translations
DEBUG: 2.0 No Kobo Touch, Glo or Mini appears to be connected
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