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Old 07-20-2015, 02:07 PM   #5
DarkTrick juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseDarkTrick juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseDarkTrick juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseDarkTrick juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseDarkTrick juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseDarkTrick juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseDarkTrick juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseDarkTrick juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseDarkTrick juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseDarkTrick juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exerciseDarkTrick juggles running chainsaws for a bit of light exercise
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Device: Kindle Touch
use case

Actually I did not expect anyone would be interested in the source. I will add it to my first post.

@Use case
My first one was in my university, when I often did not have the cable or my pc with me. Alot of the computers had a USB-lock.
Also, I wanted to transfer files directly from my ipad to my kindle.
Another very big one was, that I want to easily read long texts on my kindle without the filetransfer-stuff. I want to open wikipedia, mark, what I want to read and read exactly that (without getting processed by amazon first).
So I thought of an universal interface. One, that almost every device supports. It turns out to be the printer.
So the goal could be to put various kinds of printer-encodings on the kindle, so you could use various kinds of generic printer drivers or even AirPrint

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