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Old 12-09-2008, 04:13 PM   #55
Diogene doesn't litterDiogene doesn't litter
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Originally Posted by ShortNCuddlyAm View Post
Dearest Diogenes,

My apologies, I must have my automatic translation glasses on, because it really did look like you were writing in English.

Of course, I am very aware that people of many nationalities write in English, which is why I very carefully phrased what I said how I did. I make no assumption as to your nationality as you have no seen fit to share it with us. However, unless I've suddenly become far more adept at other languages than I ever used to be (programming ones aside), then it really, really does look like you are writing in English.

Again, my apologies for mistaking the language in which you were writing - unless, of course, you perhaps misread or misunderstood my post?

You are so ridicule! I think this is the most pathetic retreat I have ever seen!

With regard to the part about PR on the 'net - I am not being naive about it; merely pointing out that some people believe in the devices or brands they use so fervently that they can be even more of an evenagelist for it than people who are paid to be.

Kind regards,
In the case of an emergency, they send professionals to try and extinguish a fire! Or the Marines! Well, you catch my drift.
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